A magistrate has ordered a divorced woman from Shurugwi to vacate her ex-husband’s house after she fell pregnant by another man. Kenit...

A magistrate has ordered a divorced woman from
Shurugwi to vacate her ex-husband’s house after she fell pregnant by another
Kenita Bangure has refused to leave for the past four years
saying she had been sleeping with three boyfriends. She did not know who was
responsible for the pregnancy.
“Your Worship, I don’t know who the father is because l had
three boyfriends when she was conceived. I plead with this honourable court to let me
stay with my ex-husband maybe we can try and resolve our issues.
Tapiwa Tatisa, a teacher, told the magistrate :“Your
Worship, l separated with this woman in 2016. Since then she has been refusing
to move from my house until she got pregnant by another man.
“I therefore seek that this honourable court orders this
woman to go to the father of her child because l cannot take care of another
man’s child,” he said. The magistrate ordered her immediate eviction.