He spoke in an interview on Star FM about the fracas when his wife strayed. "Ndanga ndine three umwe wacho akazondisiya hake. Handina kumurova.(the lover), akangotyawo ega. Munoziva kunyenga mukadzi wemunhu, chinhu chakaoma. Ndakamuti usaite noise, ndikupe mukadzi because ukaona murume anozviuraya nekuti ndaona mukadzi aine mumwe murume kana kurova mukadzi wacho you are stupid. Chingovasiya vaende havo, regera vadanane.
He did not rule out marrying another wife. "Dont worry about that madzimai angu asara kana vaine vanin'ina vachandipawo nekuti vanenge vanakirwa neni"
Chinotimba said that he left school at Form Two but he considered himself educated in the ways of the world. He said he survived, mainly on farming at his farm in Chipinge.